Jewelry, Arts, Crafts and More!

Beadwork gallery — what can I say, I like to explore all kinds of jewelry making!  Here are some of my beadwork pieces, which I hope you enjoy.

I’m not sure I ever even named this peyote bracelet! I did show how to make it in a tutorial, though.


Yes, this really is bead weaving – it’s just done in a right-angle weave using gemstone chips. I call it “Slink Stones”.


This is my “caterpillar bracelet”. It’s fun and one day I really will have to make a tutorial on this…


This is the first freeform peyote bracelet that I ever made. I named it “Vernal Equinox” because of the Spring colors. In retrospect, I probably should have named it something like “Coral Reef” because of the detail I included.


This is what started my whole beading career – a freeform netting project from a class I took.  When I finished it, I dubbed it “Mermaid’s Dream”.


My absolute first freeform peyote necklace!  I call it “Autumn’s Dance” because of the color and the leaves.